Boot Camp for the Soul

3/5/17 – 4/9/17

The military puts new recruits through the steps via a program called “Boot Camp.”  Boot Camp exists to harden recruits mentally, physically, and emotionally.  What if, during the spiritual and liturgical season of Lent, we went through a Boot Camp. . .for the Soul?  In this series we explore ways that we can grow spiritually during this season of Lent, so that we may be better prepared to rejoice in the season of Easter.

Tempted to Quit

March 5, 2017

Have you struggled to resist temptation and stay on the path where God is leading? In this first message of the series, “Boot Camp for the Soul,” Pastor Evan talks about how temptations often come after we have resolved to change and how these temptations could be an opportunity to discover who we are and how God is calling us.


March 12, 2017

In the second part of the series, “Boot Camp for the Soul,” Pastor Evan talks about how everyone needs a reset, essentially a second chance, from time-to-time. Abram followed God’s call for a reset; Nicodemus listened to the words of Jesus. What will your reset be?


March 19, 2017

The Bible speaks of our souls thirsting for God. We all have experienced thirst at various points in our lives and we make certain to hydrate ourselves physically, but are we taking care to seek out the living water Jesus offers to hydrate ourselves spiritually?


March 26, 2017

God says that people judge by the exterior, but that God is not like that. God sees to the heart. In this fourth part of the series, “Boot Camp for the Soul,” we explore this idea of redefining how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how God is calling us to be more than we ever thought possible.

God’s Promise of Guidance

April 9, 2017

In the conclusion of the series, “Boot Camp for the Soul,” Pastor Evan talks about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and our own desire to celebrate with him.