Healing Hands

7/8/18 – 7/29/18

Jesus sent out his disciples to do his life-giving work. We are sent to do the same. First, we are called to offer and bring life wherever we go. We are then called to be a part of the church—a group sent forth to continue the example set by Jesus’ disciples. In this, we must become known. This is not something done for our own personal glory but one that draws crowds to Jesus so they may know healing. Finally, all of our works are to the same end: bringing people to the table of Christ, where grace is offered and received in the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup.

Send Forth

July 8, 2018

Jesus sent out his disciples to do his life-giving work. We are sent to do the same. As the disciples are sent out they discover that now, through the power of Jesus, they are also able to heal, to cast out demons, and to bring wholeness to those desperately needing it.  In this sermon, Pastor Evan helps us to realize that Jesus is still doing the same thing through our own hands, as we seek to follow after God and become the hands and feet of Jesus in this world.

Become Known

July 15, 2018

It was by the ministry of the disciples that Jesus’ name began to be spread across the land of Israel, even reaching King Herod. Even now, Jesus becomes known, for good or bad, through the actions of Christians today. This is an enormous responsibility and pressure. In this message, Pastor Evan discusses how a follower of Christ can live out this responsibility in a way that conveys grace and not legalism.

Draw Crowds

July 22, 2018

After their time of being sent out two by two, the disciples reported to Jesus all that they had done. Jesus then invites them to come with him to a deserted place; a place of rest, away from the crowds. In this message Pastor Evan talks about how Jesus is still beckoning us to come with him to a deserted place where Jesus can give us rest and restore our souls.

Feed the World

July 29, 2018

Jesus fed 5000 from only 5 loaves and 2 fish. But then each disciple gathered an entire basket filled with leftovers. What is the deeper meaning of this, and what does this miracle have to say for us today?