8/27/17 – 10/01/17
The book of Haggai, at only two chapters, is often overlooked or completely forgotten. And yet contained within its two short chapters is such wisdom: wisdom about who God calls us to be; wisdom about how God has created us to seek him; wisdom about our finances; and finally wisdom about how we can do so much more together than we ever could apart. In this four part series, we explore all of these truths through the lens of the prophet Haggai.
What’s in a Name?
August 27, 2017
We’ve all heard that old adage that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And yet I imagine we’ve forgotten old physical wounds while still remembering the names we were called or the harsh words someone has said. In this message, Pastor Evan talks about overcoming the names and labels of the world in order to live into the identity of who God has called us to be.
Where’s the Beef?
September 3, 2017
Have you ever noticed that there’s a longing within that it seems nothing of this world can satisfy? Have you ever tried to fill that longing with something or someone and for a time it worked, but eventually the hole in your heart returned? This is because God has created us to seek him and to find satisfaction only in him. The people in Haggai’s time were experiencing such a longing themselves, and in the end they realized that they could be satisfied only by God’s presence.
October 1, 2017
Harambe means “a coming together,” in Kiswahili. The people Haggai spoke to needed to come together to build the temple. And in this joint venture, they are challenged to be aware of their own sin so that the power of the sin in their own lives doesn’t corrupt the work of their hands.