Welcome to our online worship for Sunday, October 4th. We’re so happy you’ve chosen to worship with us either live at 10:30 a.m. or at a time of your later convenience. In this worship service, Pastor Evan discusses how everyone needs a place of respite or escape from the stresses of the world. It seems like there was such a place for Jesus and his disciples, while they were in Jerusalem: a special garden where they could go and Jesus would teach them, away from the crowds and the critics. But then Judas brought the temple soldiers to this place to arrest Jesus, and the world came crashing down. We too need this place of respite, this garden experience, with Jesus. Such a place does not guarantee we will escape the harshness of the world crashing in around us, as even Jesus and the disciples were found there. But we spend time in the garden with Jesus to be able to hear his voice and to learn to trust him more and more.