Prodigal God
6/19/16 – 7/17/16
This sermon series, loosely based on the Tim Keller book Prodigal God and Henri Nouwen’s work The Return of the Prodigal Son, explores the parable of the Prodigal Son through the eyes of both of the sons and the father. Through this we come to realize that in many ways, we have all been both the prodigal as well as the elder son.
The Lost Elder Son
July 10, 2016
In the Story of the Prodigal Son, the father rushes out to greet the younger son who had been lost to him. But what about the dutiful, elder son? Does the father love and value the elder son as much as he does the younger son? Is the younger son the only one who was lost to the father, or is the elder son lost as well?