11/24/19 – 12/29/19
As we journey to, through, and after the season of Advent, we are examining our need for a messiah, our need for rescue, by looking back at how this same need was expressed through various prophets of the Old Testament.
Unfortunately, due to technical errors, there are several weeks of sermons that were not able to be recorded.
King of Wishful Thinking
November 24, 2019
We say that Jesus is our King, but do we live as if he is? In our lives, we will make something our king. We all value something, center our lives around something, and let something define who we are. In this sermon, Pastor Evan examines 1 Samuel 8, in which the people ask the prophet Samuel to appoint a king for them, even though God had always been their king, so that they could be like the other nations and have someone fight their battles for them. But that hope in an earthly king is a false hope. We remind ourselves of this, as we seek to center our live and our worship on our true King Jesus.
Better Late Than Never
December 29, 2019
Concluding the series, “Prophetic,” Pastor Evan looks at a teaching of the greatest prophet of all, Jesus. In this sermon, we are encouraged to use the new year as a chance to grow more into the person God is calling us to be, realizing it is always better to start late than never to start at all.