Are you someone who needs a bit more evidence to believe? Are you the type of person who likes to chew and think on [...]
Faith, Hope, & Love
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:06:23-05:00The first Easter was such a stunning day to the disciples that they didn't approach the tomb with faith. They didn't approach it with [...]
Celebrate & Wait
Evan Smith2017-11-09T12:54:30-05:00In the conclusion of the series, "Boot Camp for the Soul," Pastor Evan talks about Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and our own desire [...]
Evan Smith2017-11-09T12:51:54-05:00God says that people judge by the exterior, but that God is not like that. God sees to the heart. In this fourth part [...]
Evan Smith2017-11-09T12:50:52-05:00The Bible speaks of our souls thirsting for God. We all have experienced thirst at various points in our lives and we make certain [...]
Evan Smith2017-11-09T12:46:02-05:00In the second part of the series, "Boot Camp for the Soul," Pastor Evan talks about how everyone needs a reset, essentially a second [...]
Tempted to Quit
Evan Smith2017-11-09T12:40:06-05:00Have you struggled to resist temptation and stay on the path where God is leading? In this first message of the series, "Boot Camp [...]
The 18th Camel
Evan Smith2017-11-14T17:09:30-05:00Have you ever wondered if your contributions matter? Have you felt like others seemed to have been given better spiritual gifts than you? In [...]
God’s Promise of Freedom
Evan Smith2017-11-07T14:46:55-05:00Concluding the series, "New Year, Same Promises," Pastor Evan talks about how God has promised freedom to us - namely the freedom to follow [...]
God’s Promise of Guidance
Evan Smith2017-11-07T14:42:56-05:00In this fifth part of the series, "New Year, Same Promises," Pastor Evan explains that God has promised to guide us, and that this [...]