How should we talk to others about Jesus? Where do we even begin? In this sermon Pastor Evan talks about being the witnesses that [...]
The Air We Breathe
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:21:13-05:00The Reverend Clayton Rascoe filled in the pulpit for us last Sunday, leading us through a message on Acts 17:16-29 about how it is [...]
Living Stones
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:15:34-05:00In our lesson from 1 Peter this morning, Peter seeks to explain to us who we are, who Christ is, and who we are [...]
Someone to Watch Over Me
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:13:52-05:00Often it can feel easier to trust God when everything is going well than when things are not. In this sermon on trust, Pastor [...]
Walking with Jesus
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:11:19-05:00Have you ever taken a walk with Jesus? Perhaps you, like those on the road to Emmaus, have, but did not realize it. In [...]
Reach Out & Touch
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:08:07-05:00Are you someone who needs a bit more evidence to believe? Are you the type of person who likes to chew and think on [...]