Jesus called Peter to come to him on the water, in the midst of the storm. He didn't quiet the waves first. He didn't [...]
God Will Provide
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:47:29-05:00The story of God calling Abraham to sacrifice his son - his only son - Isaac has stirred many emotions over the centuries. It [...]
Creative Hospitality
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:43:32-05:00In this third part of the series, "God's Creative Connection," Pastor Evan explores the idea of hospitality and how we, as the people of [...]
Spoken Into Creation
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:41:34-05:00Continuing the series, "God's Creative Connection," Pastor Evan delves into what it means to have been created in the image of God. [...]
The Power of Communication
Evan Smith2017-11-09T14:39:59-05:00What did Pentecost mean? How is God moving through his Holy Spirit now? These are the questions asked by those who first experienced the [...]