Harambe means "a coming together," in Kiswahili. The people Haggai spoke to needed to come together to build the temple. And in this joint [...]
An Eternal Impact
Evan Smith2017-11-09T16:01:41-05:00How are we to respond to God's goodness to us through our giving? Continuing the series on Haggai, Pastor Evan explores the idea of [...]
Where’s the Beef?
Evan Smith2017-11-09T15:59:37-05:00Have you ever noticed that there's a longing within that it seems nothing of this world can satisfy? Have you ever tried to fill [...]
What’s in a Name?
Evan Smith2017-11-09T15:56:49-05:00We've all heard that old adage that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." And yet I imagine [...]