Centrality of Jesus

We believe that it is through Jesus Christ that humanity is fully reconciled with God. We confess that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. We believe that Jesus lived a life of perfect devotion, was absolutely free of sin, and that he died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. Three days later he was bodily resurrected and because of his resurrection, sin and death have been defeated. Everything we do at Second Church centers on lifting up the name of Jesus and inviting people to know him.

Authority of Scripture

We believe that the Bible is, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative word of Jesus Christ to the church universal and God’s personal word to us. While recognizing that interpretations may vary, we are serious about the study and application of Scripture in our lives.


The word “Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word presbuteros, which means “elder.” We are a church who believes in the priesthood of all believers, and as such, we recognize that God has called all of us to some form of ministry. God calls certain women and men to be ordained to serve God’s church. These people are called elders. Rather than being a pastor-centered denomination, we affirm that the Holy Spirit directs all of us. We choose to come together in a representative community, to listen for God’s leading, and to respond to that. Being Presbyterian also means we are a part of the Reformed Tradition. Reformed theology is a systematic way of understanding Christian beliefs. These essential beliefs include the sovereignty of God, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the authority of the Bible for faith and life, and our individual duty to be a minister of Christ at all times and in all places.


We believe that when God calls us, he calls us not to become better versions of our flawed selves but instead to become a truly new creation. As a new creation we do not exist merely for ourselves but instead we live to be of service to others. So rather than being a church that is turned inwardly, thinking primarily of ourselves, we seek to be a missional church that is outward focused, always directing our energies to our community so that one day all might know our wonderful Triune God.